Stories and stuff...

The seeds of oblivion were planted almost countless moons ago—yet they remained dormant and inactive for many a year. Now that a new world is on the horizon they have started to grow forth from poisoned soils—their tendrils reaching from blackened earth like tentacles from the denizens of a vast and mysterious deep.

The end of days had come and gone—and the city that was once a bustling metropolis was now an empty monument to what humanity once was. The skyscrapers had all but collapsed and the few buildings that remained upright were now covered with moss and overgrowth, Mother Earth showing her face as she brazenly tried to reclaim what was once hers....

One day at school, Jeremy Tanner told me that if you stand in front of a mirror at midnight and recite the word "doppelganger" three times while burning black candles your doppelganger from the nether world would appear and grant you a wish. I didn't even know what a doppelganger was, but I did know that I wanted a new...

I had a dream I signed up for university to study psychology from a psychopathic vampire. He kind of looked like a cross between Raiden and Shao Kahn from the original Mortal Kombat movie. At the start of university I thought I was a psychopathic vampire too, but then they called me and told me that my friend Darrell passed...

The man that pushes carts moved forward, each step he made completely altering the unending and unyielding fabric of time and space. In which direction would he lean today? With every breath of frosty air that he took in, infinite universes were both born and extinguished. As he got closer to the cart corral, his mind exploded with the questions...

It was already 7pm and in a matter of moments my date for the night was going to be at the door. The problem with this is that something that could be dreadful was clawing beneath the surface. As much as I tried to maintain the mask of normalcy I wear every day, some "thing" more primal and animalistic was...

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