I have published "An Escape from the Land of Fier!" on Amazon! It is available HERE for 4.98 CAD plus shipping!

-Devin J. Meaney

I ordered 10 physical promotional copies of "Dark Nights for White Knights". Most of them were donated to the Salvation Army Thrift Store and the Wilfred Oram Centennial Library! I handed a copy to a friend as he was walking by while I was donating books, and the rest I will save for friends and family. Order a copy on Amazon HERE for 4.98 CAD plus shipping!

Once again I have printed out some fiction and have dispersed it around North Sydney. As it seems frivolous to update every time I print off 2-3 dollars worth of printouts from the library, just know that I will continue to do so as more stories are written. I do hope that you find my writings while out on a journey! Thanks everyone! :)


I ordered a handful of promotional copies of "Little Billy Bickles and the Really Stinky Pickles"! I donated all but one copy to the Salvation Army Thrift Store and the Wilfred Oram Centennial Library! If you want your own copy you can find it HERE or by looking it up manually on Amazon, and each copy is only 4.98 CAD. This is the absolute lowest I can make it on Amazon with no royalty going to me! 

I printed off a handful of printouts and dispersed them around town (North Sydney). Hopefully you find me while you are out on an adventure, be it getting a hair cut at the barber shop, taking a trip to the library or buying scratch tickets at Pierce Street Dairy. Cheers everybody! :)



I am no longer printing physical zines, just books and printouts and such. But, here are a few pictures to show that they did indeed exist in the past. Cheers! I may return to physical zines in the future but for now you can just find me here! :)

-Devin J. Meaney

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