Weasley's Wizard Wheezes: By Devin J. Meaney


Ron took a sharp blast from the pipe and looked over at his friend Harry. Harry was running his fingers up and down the wall next to the kitchen table, giggling like a school girl who had just kissed a boy for the first time. Ron looked back at the home made water bubbler in his hands, then re-positioned himself at the table and took another hit. He wheezed for a moment and then he looked at harry again with a stupid grin on his face.

"So when are we going back to Hogwarts anyway?"

Harry laughed through a bleary eyed fog.


Ron raised his brow.

"You know. The wizardry school! I'm hoping to do good on my OWLs this year!"

Harry just stared blankly for a few moments and then erupted into a fit of laugher.

"Man. I think this stuff is laced! I've been seeing streaks of color out of the corner of my eye for the past twenty minutes!"

Ron wheezed again and stifled a cough—then rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"Whatever man. Laced or not—this is some SERIOUS black!"

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