The Great Moose Hunt: By Devin J. Meaney


The very first time I ever smoked weed I was around 12-13 years old. It was wintertime—and there were four or five of us. My friend got the weed—so we made our way up to Ferris' Hill to go on our very first drug induced adventure.

Once we ingested the cannabis we were nearly incapacitated. We could hear shuffling in the woods—and we convinced ourselves that there was a giant moose stalking us! Being weird 12-13 year olds we found ourselves some big sticks and spent the next few hours "moose hunting". We never did get that moose—but it makes for quite a tale to tell years later.

After moose hunting we went to my friend's house and watched School of Rock with Jack Black and played Final Fantasy. My friend's sister bought us a pizza, and as a newly-made vegetarian I "totally didn't" eat pepperoni pizza!

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