Movie Review-Creeping Death: By Devin J. Meaney


After watching the movie "Creeping Death" I was pleasantly surprised. I viewed it on Tubi, and although Tubi is a great resource for B horror some of the films can sometimes be passé. This however, was not!

The script was a bit amateurish along with the acting, but in a charming way. Creeping Death was indeed a B- movie, but it wasn't even nearing Z- territory. The gore was well placed and not over the top, the filming was excellent and the creature effects were more than passable. The story was pretty neat and the overall experience was "warm and dark" with a handful of laughs thrown into the mix—and there were even a few touching moments!

As the story takes places on Halloween night this would make for an excellent viewing on All Hallows Eve with friends and a bucket of popcorn. I don't drink anymore but I can fathom a guess that this would go over well at a festive party!

I'd suggest that the people involved with this film keep at it, as I did really enjoy this and I'm sure other people would too. I can make a stab that other releases from the same actors and company would be just as intriguing! I was already in the spirit of spooky season—and this film just made me more so!

All in all—this was pretty great, and I may even watch it again sometime in the future!

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