Dark Nights for White Knights (A collection of writings): By Devin J. Meaney


I compiled a collection of short stories, flash fiction and poetry from this zine. It is an 87 page 5x8 pocket book! As always, the content is still available here, but if you want a physical copy you can snag one on Amazon HERE for the low low price of 4.98 CAD plus shipping! 

Blurb: "A collection of 5 short stories, 8 pieces of poetry and 13 pieces of flash fiction from the (sometimes) woefully chaotic mind of Devin J. Meaney! Some writings are horrid, some are humorous—and some are a beacon of light within the dark…"

Note: I ordered 10 promotional copies, most of which were donated to the Salvation Army and the Wilfred Oram Centennial Library!

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